Shandong Ruilai Xinde Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd Service Hotline: +86 15053896180

How to ferment kitchen waste into organic fertilizer

Send Time:2023-2-12

  First, how to ferment kitchen waste into organic fertilizer 
  1. First of all, put the kitchen waste into the kitchen waste crusher for crushing, so as to accelerate the dehydration, oxidation and degradation of kitchen waste. The kitchen waste crushing machine automatically cuts the garbage into the right size particles, and then spray the appropriate amount of anaerobic or aerobic bacteria, so that it can avoid the problems of slow temperature rise, large amount of odor production, inconvenient handling and mixing of the compost due to poor ventilation. 
  2. Put the crushed kitchen waste into the kitchen waste processor from the feed part, and it can be transformed into granular organic fertilizer through the steps of grinding, fermentation ,granulation and drying. Kitchen waste is rich in protein, fat, sugar and other organic compounds, but also rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and various trace elements. 
   3. The kitchen waste after sorting can be used as an organic medium for soil improvement through aerobic fermentation. Be sure to bag kitchen waste separately from other garbage before throwing it out, and then put the kitchen waste into a special bucket. 
Second, what are the kitchen waste 
  1. Kitchen waste refers to the garbage generated in residents' daily life and food processing, catering services, unit meals and other activities, mainly including discarding unused vegetable leaves, leftovers, leftovers, fruit skins, eggshells, tea residue, bones, etc. Its source is the family kitchen, restaurant, restaurant, canteen, market and other industries related to food processing. 
  2, kitchen waste contains very high moisture and organic matter, very easy to rot, produce odor. Through proper treatment and processing, it can be converted into new resources. The characteristics of high organic content make it can be used as fertilizer and feed after strict treatment, and can also produce biogas for fuel or power generation. The fat part can be used to make biofuel.